Sharing Your Miscarriage Story Submission Form

Share your miscarriage story image

Just like you, I have experienced the physical and emotional pain associated with miscarriage.

I found closure in giving a voice to my 5 miscarriage experiences.

Miscarriage does not have to be a lonely path! Share YOUR story.

*Read Below for Submission Guidelines.

**This is a trial program for the time being.

Sharing YOUR Miscarriage Story Submission Form
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Simple summary of your life. Examples: Age, travel, other children, sickness, moving, school, your day-today, etc.
First signs of cramping, spotting, or physical loss. What you did to work through and heal physically.
First impressions after finding out you miscarried. What you did to process your emotions.
What act of kindness meant something to you?
Any guiding words that helped you during your miscarriage recovery?

Quick Submission Guidelines.

  • This is a voluntary program.
  • Your miscarriage must have occurred within the year from the current date.
  • Looking for about 3 or more detailed sentences in each box.
  • Here is a Sample post showing general formatting.
  • Only first name will be used and last initial if needed.
  • There is no guarantee your submission will be posted. (Keep a copy for your personal record.)
  • After submitting you will immediately receive a $5.00 discount to be used on one of the following…
    • Miscarriage Recovery Guidebook
    • Free In His Arms Artwork download

Full Submission Guidelines

Tips when writing Submissions

  • Use a word document then copy and paste responses.
  • Don’t add names. Try Spouse, dear friend, nurse, etc.
  • Take your time. It can be emotional to write, but very therapeutic.
  • Look for typos to the best of your ability.
  • Read your submission out loud before you submit.
  • Print or save your Word Document for a personal record!

How will your post be viewed?

Once your submission has been submitted it will be processed according to submission order. Currently, this is a trial program with no guarantee of being posted.

Upon approving your submission meets the Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, and Disclaimer of the Company, your submission will be “altered” in preparation to be posted.

What “alterations” will be made to my submission?

The Company’s goal is to do minimal altering to the Submission. Altering includes, but not limited to, the right to edit, remove, alter, change, revoke, place paying ads, add internal or external links, add images for purpose of visual appeal, or anything we see fit, before the submission is posted the Website.

The submission must not use the following, but not limited to, crude language, vulgar descriptions, defame others or Company’s, slander in any form, and bigotry remarks. These will be removed or cause your submission to be revoked with out notice to you.

Once posted your first name will be used in the title and listed as “Submitted by author”. If needed the first letter of your last name will be used to identify your post (Ex. Chantell or Chantell P’s). According to our Privacy Policy we will not display your email address in the post. The post will be open to comments, all comments will need to follow the guidelines outlined in the Terms of Service.

You may ask to have your name or post removed. Please email [email protected]

No further compensation

Your submission is completely voluntary. Upon submission you will receive a $5 off code to be used in the blog shop. Regardless of using the $5 off code or not the Company has all intellectual rights and you will receive no additional compensation from the Company in any way.

The Company may place paying ads, internal and/or external links on the post for the Company use only.

You will have access to the link and may share with whomever you choose. Many other women will benefit from your story! Thank you.

Terms of Service Exerts

Guests that participate in Sharing Miscarriage Story submissions agree to the transfer of all intellectual rights, regarding the submission, over to the Company. The Company will have the rights to edit, remove, alter, change, revoke, place paying ads, add internal or external links, or anything we see fit, before the submission is posted the Website. Your participation is purely voluntary and no compensation will be paid to you. The Company reserves the right to place paying ads on the post for the Company’s use only, no compensation to you.” Read full Terms of Service

“Educational and Informational Use Only “The website in its many forms is meant to be educational and informational. We, in no way, state to be licensed professionals. For more details on the matter please visit Disclaimer.” Read full Terms of Service