Journey of 5 Miscarriages

Welcome Friend

First, I would like to offer up my condolences to you during this difficult time. I assume at some point you have experienced a miscarriage, which is what lead you here. I am truly sorry!

Next, I would like to share why I created these miscarriage posts. After miscarriage #4 I began to feel the need to share my miscarriage stories with more people than those in close acquaintance with me.

I did not purse this feeling until after miscarriage #5. That’s when I set a personal goal to have my first post ready to go by February 4th.

I choose that date to honor all my past miscarriages but especially because that’s the day I had major issues with miscarriage #4 and I am blessed to still be here to tell my story today.

Miscarriage Recovery Processing Sample Images

>>> Access this FREE download that will walk you through simple, repeatable, practices I personally used during my 5 miscarriage recoveries.

These experiences are very dear to me personally.

I pray they offer you some comfort during this difficult time!

Since I used journaling to clear my head during these hard times I have an accurate account for each miscarriage.

Within each account of my 5 miscarriage experiences you will find the following…

Each of my 5 miscarriage experiences talks about…

  • What life was like at that time.
  • How I dealt with the physical loss.
  • How I dealt with the emotional loss.
  • A day-to-day timeline for each miscarriage.

By sharing my 5 different and unique experiences I hope you can find strength to get through yours.


*You will see the color Purple throughout this blog to honor miscarriages and one of my reasons for starting this blog. When you mix Pink and Blue together you get Purple!

Share your miscarriage story image
Chantells family and dog

Hello Friend! I’m Chantell…

Wife, Mother of 5 earthly & 6 heavenly babies, and love God. I blog about Motherhood. Read More